zondag 22 februari 2009

My insecurities

Hello World! :)

It's been way too long since i last wrote a blog! so here I am.
I was thinking about what to write, when i started to look back at all the things that happens these past 6, 7 weeks.
I'd like to share a little bit with you about my insecuritied, and how God has been working in me in the pst weeks.

If you have met me, and you know me a little, you probably noticed I can be insecure about myself, and especially my capabilities.
All the things that happened with school last summer didn't really help, and made me REALLY insecure about my ability to really do what they wanted me to do. I seem to fail time after time, and that put alot of presure on me. When the end of my last internship was coming closer, stress came, presure came. more and more.
Januari wasn't really a great month. it was exhausting really.

Januari 23rd: Due final report intership (this is what i didnt seem to get right.. for some reason it never contained what they wanted to read..) I did my best, personallt handed to my teacher.

Januari 27th: Portfolio Assessment. THE Exam. You can't imagine the work i put into that.
And it all comes down to this 30 minutes. 2 teachers. Asking me aaaall these questions about what i've learned in the past years.
After 30 minutes i had to wait outside so they could decided whether i passed the exam or not.
After a few monutes they congratulated me. I had a score of 90. Which means i passed the exam with the highest possibel score.
That was the first time in a year that i felt like i really did something goog. That I was really able to do it right.

Januari 30th. The day my teachers, me and my supervisor from the internship would come together and talk about my internship, and my final report. The exam from the 27th gave me some more confidence, but that was fast gone when my teacher told me the final report was, once again, not good enough.
BAM! Down to level zero.
I could cry, right there. Maybe i should have. This teacher just broke me down. And i dont think she even realized it. It's not that i cant take negative feedback. It's the fact that this was the 5th time, and only she was complaining about my reports. I didn't get negative feedback on my reports from any other teacher. Just her.
About an hour later i found out why my reports weren't good enough. I just didn't get the right picture of what should be in the report. I've had a wrong picture of her expectations, for 17months.
I got a chance to write the report again,and this time i did it right.

I was so hapy when she finally told me this last report was very good. Finally i could close this part of my study, and move on the the last part. One more year. Gradution Project.

When i look back on that time i can see how negative feedback from this particular teacher broke me down. Little by little. I don't think she realized it, but her way of communicating made me insecure about myself.
It made me insecure about my capabilities.

A few weeks later. Februari 21st. (Yesterday). Benefit Concert.
The big day was here. Today we would have a concert with Nuclear Playground and Everlife, to raise money for the childrens home in Porto, Lar Evangélico Português.
I was very very excited, but a nervous too. Again my insecurity.
I knew i had everything settled, and that i did it right. It just didn't work that day. I started to doubt stupid things like if i had the right dinner and if i had all the stuff we needed (although i checked that like.. a million times already).
I'm sure everyone in the building that day could see how my head was spinning.

When i look back on these two situations, I clearly see God's hand. I see how He placed people around me that got me through all this. People that helped me be more secure. That helped me to be proud of myself.
My dad telling me he's proud of me. My friends telling me i did great.
A friend pointing me to the positive, when i'm too focussed on the negative. Another friend telling me what she admires in me.
All those people, help me to be more secure (and really... God works through the most amazing people...in most amazing ways!)

I don't thik i realized all this till this morning when i was looking back at yesterday and thinking back to everything that has been said by various people that day. I think i was stopped 3 or 4 times by different people, telling me to relax for just a few seconds, and telling me that everything was great.
They stopped me for just a few second, to tell me the 4 most encouraging words, you are doing great.
The million 'thank you's' I've heard after the show almost drove me crazy. I didn't do it for me, if did it for the kids! I seriously told a few people to stop thanking me.
Looking back to all this, this morning i could hear God say: "DEB! Wake up! YOU DID GREAT! Yes, you did it for the kids. But for once.. take the positvie feedback and let it build you up! I chose to use YOU for a reason! Stop being so insecure about yourself. Trust Me. I will make you capable."

Maybe you recognize this. Maybe you are just as insecure as me sometimes.
If this is you.. i want you to know God can do the same things in you as He is doing in me. But you have to let Him. He does amazing things, in amazing ways.
Open your heart for Him. Give Him a chance and some time! You'll be amazed.


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