woensdag 15 oktober 2008

Spreading the Love: an update!

Hello friends!

So it has been 2 weeks if im right.. since my last blog.
I just thought I'd give you a little update on how things are going.

You know.. the past few weeks have been crrraaaazy. Work was so busy and i had every reason to like.. crash in the weekends and not be able to do anything more.. but nothing like that happened..
Of course i was tired in the evenings after a hard day of work.. but i didn't really crash like i usually do when things are as busy as the past 2 weeks.
I believe it has one reason.
Maaaaan, did this fill me with joy the past weeks! It makes me SO energetic!
The response I've been getting these past 2 weeks have made me stand amazed.
Not only have I been told I'm loved by many many people, God has also shown me how much He really loves me.

I can't even really find the words to explain to you how I really feel.
I'm just amazed by how much God loves me, all the things He has done for me and all the things He is still doing!
I enjoy riding my bike to work (for 20 minutes) everyday just because I get to see the birds waking up, the sun rising above the trees, and the AMAZING colors autumn is bringing us.
I can hear God saying 'Good morning Deb, welcome to this new day!', every single morning.
Isn't that amazing? God is great :)

So let me talk a little about the love I have been spreading, and what i've been experiencing through that.
I've done several things to show people they're loved.
I've told friends I love them, I bought flowers for my parents, I've done the 'boring things' at work so no one else had to do them, i've helped old people with their groceries, I've sent post cards, bought people presents, and I've gone to work and back every day greeting people on the way.
Oh you should see the smiles on the faces of every single person. The feeling of giving, is just indescribable. It just fills me with joy.

I'm really excited to see what these next 2 weeks are gonna bring me!
I'll make sure to share it with you all!

Now.. I am curious about your experiences! Tell me about it!


woensdag 1 oktober 2008

The Joy of Rain

The story starts on a rainy tuesday in September, in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
I finished work and ran to the busstop to catch my bus.
Waiting for the bus i started looking for my student card, when i realized it was still in the pocket of my other jacket. The one that was at home..
I got nervous and started searching my bag for money..ANY money.. somewhere?!
no. nothing. not a coin. nothing.

'You gotta be kiddin' me', i thought. 'Do i really have to walk home? In the RAIN?'

After sending a message to my mom to tell her i would take a little longer, cause i had to walk, i started my journey.
I plugged my iPod in my ears and crossed the street.
You have to know by now.. i was really frustrated and cold. Cold as in freezing. and i had at LEAST 30 minutes ahead if not longer.

Looking at the rain made me think of something one of the kids at work said some time ago. 'Aww it's raining! God's crying! We have to make Him happy!'
Of course we all laughed about that back then, but now it made me think.
What if God is really crying. What if He's really that sad?
If I look around in this world, i can see He has many many reasons to.
And if He was really crying, I would want to make Him happy. I would want to make Him smile again!

"So how would i do this?", i thought.
What makes God smile?
I mean.. what would be the most important thing.
Love, Love, Love. Say it out loud.. Love.
I believe it makes God smile to see us love eachother.

John 13:34"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."

So this all reminded me of helpothers.org. I once ordered these little cards you could give to people, or just put in their bags or anywhere to spread the love.
Those cards were a really easy thing, but here was actually a postcard with is that said aaaaall these things you could do to show someone you love him/her.

Thank your Heroes, send flowers to a friend, read to a child, clean up your park, buy someone coffee, smile, plant a tree, volunteer, bake cookies for a neighbour.. many many things.
And you know... i just thought i should do this more often.. show people i love them.

So I challenged myself.
For the next month I will show at least 1 person a day I love him/her.

I hope I can challenge you all to do the same. It all starts with you and me, but you and me can change this world.
Let's brighten someone's day.
Let's Spread the Love!
For more love spreading ideas check http://www.helpothers.org/

Have fun! and keep smiling :D !!


P.S. I got home safe, soaked but safe.